I help translate and apply the Christian tradition and its practices to a post-Christian church for the sake of an anti-Christian world.

Classes Taught to Churches and Groups

The Apostles Creed for a Splintered Church
The Beatitudes after Fundamentalism
The Sermon on the Mount for Cozy, Crazy, and Critical Christians
Still Kicking and Screaming: Heresies and Heterodox Practices Hiding in the Pew
The Heidelberg Catechism for Antsy and Apocalyptic Christians
Mere Covenant: Reformed Ethics for Today
Westminster v. Wokeism: A Timely Study of the Shorter Catechism
The Ten Commandments in an Age of Autonomy
The Liturgy of the Living Room: The Making of a Christian Family
The Lord’s Prayer in a Self-Help Society 
Practices of Love: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World
Dealing with Devilish Disagreers  

Classes Taught in Christian Colleges and Seminaries
(A Selection)

Introductions (Theology, Philosophy, Ethics)
A Christian Philosophy of Citizenship 
Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
Issues in Christian Ethics
The Ethics of Søren Kierkegaard
Reformed Doctrine
Reformed Ethics
Phenomenology of Religious Practice
Christian Apologetics

Broadly, my interests and teaching experience falls under four categories: 
  • Spiritual Disciplines and Societal Practices
  • Reformed Theology and Ethics
  • The Christian Virtue and Vice Tradition
  • Cultural Criticism and Modern Life
I would also be interested in leading seminars, discussions, or giving talks on Christian engagement with Seneca and Stoicism, John Bunyan’s Holy War and Pilgrim’s Progress, Ascetic Theology (particularly John Cassian, John Climacus, and Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain), and Gregory the Great’s Pastoral Care and Augustine’s Rule.
If you would be interested in having me speak to your church or group or teach a class, please fill out the form below. I enjoy speaking to groups of all sizes, and enjoy a variety of formats, especially dialogues, workshops, and panels. 
Also, I am happily open to entertaining proposals about how I can best serve you.